Designated Seats
We want to hear YOUR voice in Senate, including the interests of your UW entity!
The ASUW Student Senate has allowed each RSO, fraternity, and sorority to register a Designated Seat for representation on the floor. Senators who hold designated seats do not require constituents; however, their organization must have a minimum of 5 currently active members. Those holding a Designated Seat are considered voting senators and are granted all of the privileges and rights afforded to voting senators. Designated seats must be re-certified at the beginning of a new legislative session.
These seats are underutilized so please take advantage of this opportunity to make your voice heard by reaching out today! We would be ecstatic for you to join this year and ensure that the interests of your entity are fully heard.
Historical Constituencies:
- Hall Senators (Alder, Lander, Maple, Terry, Elm, Willow, McCarty, Madrona, Oak, McMahon, Poplar, Hansee)
- HFS Apartment Senators (Stevens Court, Mercer Court, Cedar, Nordheim Court, Radford Court)
- RSOs
- Greek Life Organizations
Please contact our Membership Coordinator directly at if you are interested!