ASUW Senate: Session XXX


Upon becoming a member of the Student Senate, individuals are appointed to one of six legislative committees. After first readings on the Senate floor, legislation is moved to a committee for review–typically a committee whose mission relates most closely to the content of the bill. Committees then discuss the legislation, make amendments, and discharge it back to the floor for second readings. This final step is completed with a favorable, unfavorable, or neutral recommendation from the originating committee.

Academic and Administrative Affairs (AAA)

Considers legislation related to the administration, faculty, or academics at the University of Washington. In the past, this committee has reviewed proposals for requirements for excused absences, support of student worker unions, and various testing policies.

Chair: Zoe Hawkins


On-Campus Affairs

Considers legislation related to living on-campus including matters regarding the Residential Communities (HFS, Greek Life, etc.) and other non-academic issues pertaining to Student Life.

Chair: Julia Tanner


Off-Campus Affairs

Considers legislation related to living off-campus generally including commuter students, public transit, housing prices in the Seattle metro area, and quality of life in the surrounding area.  

Chair: TBD


General Affairs

Considers legislation related to a variety of topics that are too niche or too broad to fit within the bounds of other committees. Examples of such issues include sustainability, health & wellness, and contemporary social, political, or economic events.

Chair: Paris Schmieder



Oversees the internal functions of Student Senate by monitoring liaisons, ensuring the faithful execution of office for elected to lead ASUW, submitting requests for information, and reviewing the Senate Bylaws and Senate Rules at the discretion of the Vice Speaker. This committee also considers legislation to amend these governing documents including Organic Acts.

Chair: Aiden Reeder


Governance And Verification of Enacted Legislation (GAVEL)

Researches pieces of legislation that have passed successfully from the Student Senate in order to measure their impact on either ASUW, UW, or the greater Seattle community. Members routinely communicate with academic administrators and employees of the UW to ensure follow-through and action. 

Chair: Amanda Pitts
