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Senator Profile

Margot Keane



Constituents:  5
Last Session:  30
Primary Sponsorships:  0
Co-Sponsorships:  0
Seat Claim:  Signature Seat


There is currently no biography available for this Senator.

Primary Sponsorships

This Senator has no primary sponsorships.


This Senator has no co-sponsorships.

Voting Record

Roll #DateQuestionLegislationResult
30-0290May 28, 2024Motion to Suspend the Rules--Failed
30-0288May 28, 2024Motion to Amend--Passed
30-0286May 28, 2024Approve R-30-14 with committee edits--Passed
30-0285May 28, 2024Suspend rules, move R-30-15 to old business--Passed
30-0272May 21, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0271May 21, 2024Judicial Committee Election--Completed
30-0270May 21, 2024F&B Liaison--Completed
30-0268May 21, 2024STF Liaison--Completed
30-0267May 21, 2024SAF Liaison--Completed
30-0266May 21, 2024AAA Committee Chair--Completed
30-0265May 21, 2024General Affairs Chair Elections--Completed
30-0264May 21, 2024Off-Campus Committee Elections--Completed
30-0260May 14, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0259May 14, 2024Motion to approve--Passed
30-0258May 14, 2024Motion to Previous Question--Passed
30-0257May 14, 2024Motion to Suspend the Rules--Passed
30-0256May 14, 2024Approve UD-30-1--Passed
30-0255May 14, 2024Membership Coordinator Election--Completed
30-0249May 14, 2024Motion to Suspend the Rules--Failed
30-0245May 07, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0244May 07, 2024Approve R-30-24 Resolution to Divest from Companies Profiting from Violations of International Law and Human Rights in the Violence against Palestine--Passed
30-0242May 07, 2024Motion to Amend--Passed
30-0241May 07, 2024Motion to Previous Question--Passed
30-0231May 07, 2024Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
30-0225Apr 30, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0223Apr 30, 2024Motion to Previous Question--Passed
30-0217Apr 30, 2024Make R-30-23 Special Order of the Day--Passed
30-0216Apr 30, 2024Quorum--Passed
30-0213Apr 23, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0212Apr 23, 2024Motion to Suspend the Rules--Passed
30-0210Apr 23, 2024Approve R-30-19--Passed
30-0209Apr 23, 2024Motion to Amend--Failed
30-0208Apr 23, 2024Motion to Previous Question--Passed
30-0205Apr 23, 2024Motion to Table for a Definite Period of Time (Table Nominations and Elections)--Passed
30-0200Apr 16, 2024Motion to Adjourn--Passed
30-0199Apr 16, 2024Attendance--Completed
30-0198Apr 16, 2024Motion to Move Vote to Committee (On-Campus)--Passed
30-0196Apr 16, 2024Approve R-30-16--Passed
30-0195Apr 16, 2024Make R-30-16 Special Order--Passed
30-0194Apr 16, 2024Motion to Move Vote to Committee (General Affairs)--Passed
30-0193Apr 16, 2024Motion to Move Vote to Committee (Academic and Administrative Affairs (AAA))--Passed
30-0192Apr 16, 2024Motion to Move Vote to Committee (Academic and Administrative Affairs (AAA))--Passed
30-0191Apr 16, 2024Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
30-0190Apr 16, 2024Quorum--Passed
30-0186Apr 09, 2024Quorum--Passed
30-0156Feb 27, 2024Adjourn at 7:30--Passed
30-0150Feb 27, 2024Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
30-0149Feb 27, 2024Quorum--Passed


This senator currently has 5 constituents.