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Senator Profile

Kimberly Chen



Constituents:  0
Last Session:  29
Primary Sponsorships:  0
Co-Sponsorships:  1
Seat Claim:  Designated Seat


There is currently no biography available for this Senator.

Primary Sponsorships

This Senator has no primary sponsorships.


Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
JR-29-1Joint Resolution calling for access to sharps disposal on the UW Seattle campus4Introduced

Voting Record

Roll #DateQuestionLegislationResult
29-0238May 23, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0237May 23, 2023Attendance 5/23--Completed
29-0215May 09, 20235/9/23--Completed
29-0211May 02, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0210May 02, 2023Motion to approve--Passed
29-0209May 02, 2023Motion to Amend--Passed
29-0207May 02, 2023Except all committee amendments in R-29-13--Passed
29-0206May 02, 2023Attendance--Completed
29-0204May 02, 2023Quorum--Passed
29-0195Apr 18, 20234/18--Completed
29-0190Apr 18, 2023Motion to Move Vote to Committee (Off-Campus)--Failed
29-0182Apr 11, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0181Apr 11, 2023Attendance--Completed
29-0178Apr 11, 2023Motion to Reread R-29-11--Passed
29-0177Apr 11, 2023Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0176Apr 11, 2023Approve Jr-29-1--Passed
29-0172Apr 04, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0153Feb 28, 20232/28--Completed
29-0152Feb 28, 2023Student Regent Selection Committee--Completed
29-0151Feb 28, 2023Membership Coordinator Election--Completed
29-0138Feb 14, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0136Feb 14, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0135Feb 14, 2023Quorum--Passed
29-0132Feb 07, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0130Feb 07, 20232/7/23--Completed
29-0134Feb 07, 2023Motion to Move Vote to Committee (On-Campus)--Passed
29-0133Feb 07, 2023SPEAKER--Completed
29-0131Feb 07, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0129Feb 07, 2023Quorum--Passed
29-0124Jan 31, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0128Jan 31, 20231/31/2023--Completed
29-0123Jan 31, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0127Jan 31, 2023Quorum--Passed
29-0121Jan 24, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0118Jan 24, 2023Intern Task Force--Completed
29-0110Jan 17, 20231/17 Attendance--Completed
29-0113Jan 17, 2023Motion to Amend--Passed
29-0112Jan 17, 2023Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0105Jan 17, 2023Motion to Table Indefinitely--Passed
29-0104Jan 17, 2023Move to previous question--Passed
29-0103Jan 17, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0102Jan 17, 2023Quorum 1/17--Passed
29-0101Jan 10, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0100Jan 10, 2023Motion to Pass R-29-7--Passed
29-0099Jan 10, 2023Attendance 1/10/2023--Completed
29-0098Jan 10, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0097Jan 10, 2023Quorum 1/10/2023--Passed
29-0096Jan 03, 2023Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0095Jan 03, 20231/3 Attendance--Completed
29-0094Jan 03, 2023Motion to Move Vote to Committee (Oversight)--Passed
29-0092Jan 03, 2023Motion to Move Vote to Committee (General Affairs)--Passed
29-0090Jan 03, 2023Motion to Approve the Agenda--Passed
29-0089Jan 03, 2023Quorum 1/3/2023--Passed
29-0086Nov 29, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0085Nov 29, 202211/29 Attendance--Completed
29-0083Nov 29, 2022Motion to Enact LD-29-1--Passed
29-0088Nov 29, 2022Amend--Failed
29-0087Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0075Nov 29, 2022Approve Section (With Approved Changes)--Passed
29-0084Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0073Nov 29, 2022Approve Section (With Approved Changes)--Passed
29-0082Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0081Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Failed
29-0072Nov 29, 2022Approve Section (With Approved Changes)--Passed
29-0080Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0071Nov 29, 2022Approve Section (With Approved Changes)--Passed
29-0079Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0078Nov 29, 2022Motion to Amend--Failed
29-0077Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0074Nov 29, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0069Nov 29, 2022Approve Section (with additions)--Passed
29-0068Nov 29, 2022Approve Section of LD-29-1 (With Edits)--Passed
29-0065Nov 29, 2022Approve Section(s) of LD-29-1 (With Approved Edits)--Passed
29-0062Nov 22, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0061Nov 22, 2022Attendance--Completed
29-0060Nov 22, 2022Motion To Approve Section (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0059Nov 22, 2022Approve Section (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0058Nov 22, 2022Approve Section (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0057Nov 22, 2022Approve Section (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0056Nov 22, 2022Legislative Agenda Topic One (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0055Nov 22, 2022Legislative Agenda Topic One (With Amendments)--Passed
29-0054Nov 22, 2022Legislative Agenda Topic One--Passed
29-0049Nov 15, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0046Nov 15, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed
29-0043Nov 08, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0042Nov 08, 2022Attendance Vote--Completed
29-0039Nov 01, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0038Nov 01, 2022Motion to Approve R-29-4--Passed
29-0037Nov 01, 2022Attendance 11/1--Completed
29-0036Nov 01, 2022Motion to Move Vote to Committee (Academic and Administrative Affairs (AAA))--Passed
29-0035Nov 01, 2022STF Committee--Completed
29-0032Oct 25, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Passed
29-0031Oct 25, 2022Attendance 10/25/22--Completed
29-0030Oct 25, 2022Legislative Steering Committee--Completed
29-0029Oct 25, 2022Senate Liaison to the HUB Board of Representatives--Completed
29-0020Oct 11, 2022Motion to Adjourn--Completed
29-0019Oct 11, 2022Motion to Suspend the Rules--Failed
29-0018Oct 11, 2022Motion to Approve R-29-1--Passed
29-0016Oct 11, 2022Motion to Approve R-29-2--Passed
29-0015Oct 11, 2022Motion to Move R-29-2 Ahead--Passed
29-0013Oct 11, 2022Motion to Previous Question--Passed


This senator currently has 0 constituents.