ASUW Senate: Session XXX

Legislation Database


Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
R-30-1A Resolution in Support of Cake1Passed by Board
R-30-2Resolution for Free and Efficient Provision of Exam Materials1Introduced
R-30-3A Resolution Condemning and Commending Rene Singleton (We Love Rene (Heart))0Passed Full Senate
R-30-4A Resolution to Stand Against Terrorism and Antisemitism0Referred to Committee
R-30-5A Resolution on the Difficulties Facing International Students and Student Health Insurance0Referred to Committee
R-30-7A Resolution calling for the protection of the right to free speech and student protest at the University of Washington through the adoption of policy principles consistent with the Chicago Statement0Introduced
R-30-8Resolution for the Establishment of a Collegiate-Based EMS Program at University of Washington0Introduced
R-30-9A Resolution Calling for Increased Ice Cream Access for Students3Introduced
R-30-10R-30;6: A Resolution Calling for an End to Violence in Palestine and the Protection of Student and Faculty Speech2Introduced
R-30-11A Resolution for the Repealment of the Current Proposal for the UW East Campus Dock Improvements1Introduced
R-30-12A Resolution to Establish Academic Leave on General Election Day1Introduced
R-30-13A Resolution Calling for Limited Free Printing at the University of Washington1Introduced
R-30-14A Resolution Calling for Limited Free Printing at the University of Washington1Introduced
R-30-15A Resolution to Set the U-PASS Fee at $70/Quarter for FY24-252Introduced
R-30-16Resolution on the Recognition and Condemnation of the Armenian Genocide of 19150Introduced
R-30-17Resolution on the Recognition and Condemnation of the Armenian Genocide of 19150Introduced
R-30-18A Resolution Calling for the Expansion of Class Accessibility1Introduced
R-30-19Resolution to Endorse Housing Stock Additions Around the UW0Introduced
R-30-20A Resolution Calling for the Naming of Cascade Lane0Introduced
R-30-21Resolution to Demand Longer Voting Period for Future ASUW Elections0Introduced
R-30-22A Resolution for the Extension of HFS Dining Hall Operating Hours4Introduced

Organic Acts

Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
OA-30-1Organic Act for Senate Transparency0Introduced
OA-30-3Senate Inclusivity and Efficiency0Introduced
OA-30-4OA-30-4 - An OA Calling for a CIRCLE Protected Seat0Introduced
OA-30-5OA-30-4 - An OA Calling for a CIRCLE Protected Seat0Introduced
OA-30-6OA-30-5 Amendment to OA-30-24Introduced
OA-30-7Organic Act 06: An Organic Act to Amend Committee Powers1Introduced

Senate Bills

There is no current legislation for this category.

Joint Resolutions

There is no current legislation for this category.

Legislative Directives

Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
LD-30-1 Legislative Directive for the Funding of Collegiate-Based EMS Agencies in Washington State0Introduced

University Directives

Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
UD-30-12024 ASUW University Agenda0Introduced

Senate Orders

Legislation NumberTitle# of CosponsorsStatus
SO-30-1Senate Order 01: An Order to Limit the Recommendations of the Task Force on Constitutional Reform Regarding and Respecting The Student Senate Powers of Self-Governance0Introduced
SO-30-4Senate Order to Remove A Liaison0Introduced